Thursday, September 17, 2020

Serving...Everyone - Ancestors in 52 Weeks

This year's challenge is 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks and is run by Amy Johnson Crow.

Information on the Topic
The theme is "Service." Military service might be the first thing to come to mind with this week's prompt. However, you don't have to go that route. Any service station owners in the family tree? (I'm raising my hand on that one!) How about someone who served their church, school, or community?

I've written before about family who is serving in the military (post1, post2, post3). Also, those in the family who have given through volunteering

This time I'm going to go another route and those who have served through their work - I'm talking about pastors, reverends and nurses (to my knowledge we don't have any doctors). We have several of each of these, including sisters and nuns, as far as I've researched. 

Pastors and Reverends
I think prior to the last 2 or 3 generations, we were a very church oriented group as a whole. I do know of some of the current generation who still go to church and who are still a pastor or reverend. 

I know when I was growing up, after I was baptised, for a good number of years, I tried out several different religions. While they weren't for me, it gave me some perspective, understanding and respect on how they thought and operated. 

I do know I have cousins in Kentucky, Alabama, and other places who have taken up the calling and doing it in different ways. For instance, the cousin in Alabama uses Twitter to get out his word along with being with the church. Another cousin, who is on active duty, is serving in the US Military in Korea. Both of them, I believe, are reverends, but one is serving in a church and one is doing it on a military base.
My cousin who is currently serving in Korea. 

We do have a few nurses who have served the community. I have a sister who was a nurse and a hospital administrator at one point before she retired. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her in her uniform. 

I know one of my cousins (Hey Jenine!) is a nurse who is still serving as well. 

However, our dedication goes back farther. We have a great aunt who graduated and served as a nurse at the local hospital. 
My Great Aunt Alice's name is highlighted above. 
Unfortunately the newspaper isn't too good with the picture. 

She would have been highly regarded and needed in the 1940s with WW2. I believe she served until after then and then married and retired. Incidentally, her son became a Reverend. 
This obituary for Alice's husband lists her son as a reverend. 

Then you have my 2x great grandmother. Apparently she was known to help and be there when local women gave birth. 

When I asked what Valerie did for a living (once I saw the picture below). This was from a cousin in PA. 

The picture on her headstone Credit Find A Grave

This was as close the I could get about her being active in the community "very well known resident" because she helped so many people. 

We have so many people in the family who are generous and kind to others which is why in the last 10 years people turning on others and treating them with so much disrespect, has me very annoyed. No one treats anyone else with respect any longer. If someone doesn't like the same thing as you, people turn on them, call them names, and even almost stalk the person. I remember having respect for others was something and you could understand and accept when someone's views were different than your own. Apparently that's changed. 
Then on top of that, you have people who won't follow health regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but then sit there, cheer, and say how much they respect these types of people. You can't have it both ways. If you respect what the doctors, nurses, and religious people do, then stay home so you won't need to see them and will lessen their burdens and chances they will come down sick. And if you do go out, you taken every and all precautions to stay well and away from everyone. If you don't then the only thing you are doing is making the doctors, nurses and even the religious people (due to have to have your funeral if you die) be exposed and under pressure. They don't deserve that. 

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