Thursday, July 23, 2015

What sort of genealogist am I?

I saw an article in GeniAus a little awhile ago, and she asked herself what sort of genealogist is she. I thought it was a very interesting main question with sub questions just as interesting.

This is a question of internal examination of myself and covers: Researcher, Author, Educator, Curator, Archivist, Librarian, Analyst, Marketer, and Retailer.

 Researcher: The most traditional of genealogy careers. Defined as a researcher is someone who conducts research, i.e., an organized and systematic investigation into something.

Does this fit me?
It does. I research history of places, events which happened and many of the other information that might help to find out and understand my ancestors. Further, some of the online groups, friends, and relatives have all been helped by my knowledge in various areas when discussion has happened.

Author: Someone who writes about various aspects of genealogy and family history, from magazine articles to books. Defined as a writer of a book, article, or document.

Does this fit me?
It does. I write articles for blogs, but this one is on family. Further, I have 2 Facebook groups which discuss ancestors which I write tiny snippets for. Finally, I’m in the process of writing up my grandmother’s story to hand out one day.

Educator: With almost any industry or field, people who are new will want to learn how to perform certain tasks. Defined as a person who provides instruction or education; a teacher.

Does this fit me?
It does. Not only do I inform relatives about things happened within timeframes and such, but I also have taught classes and lectured on genealogy for the community.

Curator: Last year I spoke of the power of the “curator” and the concept of a curator seems to have gained traction. Defined as a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.

Does this fit me?
Not really. I am a collector of information on my ancestors, but I would not term this as a true collection.

Archivist: Many repositories have staff with a genealogy background who work to preserve artifacts, documents and the like so that researchers can better understand them and have access to them. Defined as a person who maintains and is in charge of archives.

Does this fit me?
It does. I have photos, documents, interviews and other information I maintain and add to. I also give people permissions to view them.

Librarian: There are quite a few genealogists with their library science degrees and backgrounds who work for genealogical libraries as well as other types of libraries. Defined as a person in charge of or assisting in a library.

Does this fit me?
It does and doesn’t. When I was growing up, I used to volunteer at Libraries to work, assist and help with various jobs. However, since then, I only visit every now and then as a customer and not as a worker. Overall, I wouldn’t classify me as a Librarian.

Analyst:  Defined as a person who analyzes or who is skilled in analysis or a person who studies or analyzes something.
Does this fit me?
It does. Sometimes by looking at and determining pictures, facts based upon paperwork, researching events, diseases and various other subject matter you can give an overall picture of what history was like by putting socioeconomic and society backgrounds to my ancestors, which puts “some life into them” and it makes them feel like a real person.

Marketer: Another growth area in the genealogy industry especially when it comes to social media. Defined as a person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers.

Does this fit me?
This doesn’t fit me. Why? I can’t sell anything to save a life. I know where people can go to get information and can provide them with it, but don’t promote it to any level. I’m more than willing to help people find information rather than promote anything. In fact, when I was in high school I had to sell cookies at lunchtime to get money to go away to a conference. I really struggled to sell anything because I can’t sell things very well. I did get to go to the conference, but that was with help of many of my friends.

Retailer: Just look at any genealogy conference or expo and you’ll see booksellers, craftspeople selling their handmade goods related to family history, and more. Defined as a term describing businesses that sell goods directly to individuals.

Does this fit me?
It does not fit me. Why? See marketer comment which applies here. Again, happy to help and point people in the direction of paperwork, but sell something? Nope, they will probably run the other way if nothing else.

These question make me as  - What type of genealogist are you?


  1. Thanks Jo Ann for this post. It is so gratifying when someone takes up something I have blogged about.

  2. Jill - I do read all of the posts, along with many others, and if I find something to blog and I can do or add to I usually try to. Hope you keep up the good work. :)
